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Greetings and salutations, this is DISTRAKT. Working on a new video game for the DISTRAKT BOOK OF RHYMES ANIMATED PILOT SERIES premiering October 6th. It only has 2 levels and a limited sound bed at the moment. It’s a bit glitchie here and there but that’s where the beta testers and feedback from you and yours come in lol. I’m having fun designing and programming it and thought it would be cool to share the progress with you!

Planning to add a few more levels, sound effects, different exciting actions, more bad guys and a boss to complete the game. Feel free to send suggestions or what you would like to see, because I think it would be cool to get your input. Talk to you soon and all I ask is you tell a friend about the DISTRAKT BOOK OF RHYMES ANIMATED PILOT SERIES premiering October 6th.


Fish and Bread,